NOUN Policy On Deferment Of Examination: The Senate considered and deliberated on the report from the Committee on Deferment of Examinations.
It noted that in the spirit of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and the flexibility that comes with the mode, a student is qualified for deferment of examination(s). The deferment permits a temporary postponement of participation in examination(s).
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NOUN Policy On Deferment Of Examination.
The highlights of the report include and not limited to the under listed:
Owing to the peculiarities of the Open and Distance Learning system which gives room for flexibility, students are allowed to defer their examinations as long as the following constitutions are met:
i) Such students must have fully registered for the semester
ii) Such students must have registered for the Examinations
iii) Application for deferment must be received before the start of examinations
- All applications are to be endorsed and forwarded to the Registrar through the Study Centre Directors.
- All applications should be backed with relevant documents and a desk officer in the Registry is assigned to check the authenticity of the documents
Note: Students whose applications are received and approved and who have paid examination registrations fees before the examinations are not to pay registration fee for the same examinations when they are ready to take them.
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· A dedicated portal would be opened within the time frame of one month before the commencement of examinations for deferment cases.
· The request for deferment attracts no fee.
Applications for deferment as a result of emergencies such as illness, accident, death or serious of person in the immediate family or other person with whom the student has a similarly close relationship, which requires the student’s attention, etc shall be addressed at the discretion of the Management.
Whilst approving the adoption of the policy, the meeting resolved that it took effect from March, 2015. It further mandated that copies of the said Policy be made available to members.
How NOUN Policy On Deferment Of Examination Works.
1. If you relocated to a new town, you could change your study centre to the one nearest to you at the beginning of a semester to avoid missing results.
2. Punishment for malpractice is missing out on two semesters, so make sure your case it doesn’t reach headquarters if at all accused.
3. You can defer your exams before it begins, if you’re not ready to sit for exams this semester. Why?
Well, if you don’t defer your exams and you didn’t sit for it, that’s carryover and you’ll have to rewrite it after payment for exams Registration.
But if you defer your exams, no more Course and exam registrations whenever you want to sit for the exams. And deferment request for exams at your study centre is FREE.
NOUN Policy On Deferment Of Examination On Centre Migration.
If you write exam in a different study centre, your results may be found in Germany (No longer applicable) maintain your study centre.
Negative Balance.
If you still have negative balance without valid proof of fees payment, you may not be cleared to sit for exams.
Exam Slip.
You could stamp your exams slip one week before exam and even on your first dayS of examination… hopefully there would always be network coverage.
E-exam/CBT Students (100-200L).
I advise you to read multiple past questions (may not be repeated but it helps to channel your mind toward the topics of discussion) and keep track of your academic progress by recording your scores timely and working towards further improvements.
POP Students.
please gather as many past questions as you could, read all of them and filter the repeated Questions per course…solve them and you’ll stand a chance to make at least “C” without malpractice.
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